Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Reign of Terror

Between 1793 and 1794, France experienced the most radical phase of the revolution, known as the Reign of Terror. This period of time offended me so greatly by its violent character that I abjured my faith at the time of the installation of the Cult of Reason. After wards, I characterized my conduct during the the ironic phrase, J'ai vĂ©cu . During this period, France was ruled by the twelve-member Committee of Public Safety elected by the National Convention every month. The leader of this committee was Maximilien Robespierre , a professional lawyer who rose within the Jacobin Club and gained a reputation for incorruptibility and superb oratory. Robespierre defines the revolution and justifies extreme actions, including terror, in its defense. My voice was not given much notice in affairs during the Reign of Terror, which possibly helped me survive these difficult times. Thousands were guillotined because of simple gestures suggested to go against the government. Enough was enough and too much blood was shed for wanton reasons that the Committee of Public Safety proposed.  The last straw was dropped when Robespierre advocated a new state religion in worshiping the deistic Supreme Being. With enough votes, the National Convention turned on Robespierre and sentenced him to the guillotine. Karma had it coming for Robespierre and I find it ironic how the very object that raised his social status in life served to lead him to his doom. After the overthrow of Maximilien Robespierre, who was responsible for these executions, I decided that it was safe enough to become active once more in the government.


  1. I agree to your opinions on the Reign of Terror. I believed, as you did, that all that blood loss was unnecessary and unjustified, even though it was to maintain the revolution, which would create a more equal society. In fact, I publicized my opinions, but I was not as lucky as you were. I was sentenced to be guillotined. Indeed, as I had predicted, that ruthless Robespierre died from the very invention he had used to take so many other lives.

    -Georges Jacques Danton

  2. Nonsense! All these deaths are necessary to the preservation of our great revolution! If you continue to show opposition, I might just have send you to the guillotine, so I suggest you allow us to continue with our Reign of Terror. After all those who oppose the revolution have died, we can begin a new era of equality, freedom, and peace within France.

    - Jean-Paul Marat

  3. Truly a reign of terror! People thinking of a country ruled with more equality for all of its citizens? HAH, now that's a real terror! Truly you cannot think that you and your puny revolutionaries are doing things that to change your country into something better? The only thing your country needs is some guidance, maybe my army can provide that for you? Your country should wise up and put forth your effort in restoring a monarchy that might not destroy all your idiotic revolutionaries and spare your lives.

    -Leopold II
